Boardroom of the Future

Modern, fast reaction, latest technology lends itself to the creation of intelligent interiors. In this instance we look at one of our creations for the boardroom of the future. A smart space of immersive response , interactivity and communication. Dynamic , futuristic, bright and aesthetically pleasing . The design concept is to be reflective of the silicon valley of the U.A.E..

Facial recognition allows entry to the space , above and around us we are immersed in digital wallpaper. Grains of sand take us back in time, we are part of the original DNA of the silicon molecular structure. Optical stripes represent the technology superhighway.

Looking down our footprints are registering in the projected sand. We are on top of the dune, and once captured they appear on screen. We engage with this immersive space through the smart glass screens to find out how best to protect our digital footprint.

Wrap around screens reveal avatars with animated characters able to interact and discuss your selected business topics. Collider case interactives mix real objects with augmented reality and display 4k video information.

A visionary landscape of smart pod virtual reality breakout zones focus on presentations of new areas of business before we move onto the nano black interactive exhibition gallery which brings together thoughts and minds. Connecting the thinking process and inspiring new ideas and the technology of the future. A journey that brings us to the state of the art boardroom itself.